25th Anniversary Season!
Upcoming Spring Events

We have a lot of exciting events coming up this Spring and Summer. We hope you were able to come to our Annual Spring Concert and 25th Anniversary celebration at the end of March. Photos by Igor Burlak Photography will be posted on our website soon! Please spread the word on our fundraisers and workshops below. And if you'd like to stay up to date on all happenings, like our Facebook page here.
Forty Steps Dance has been selected again by the Store Leadership Team at Stop & Shop. This means that Fortystepsdance will receive $1 from every $2.50 reusable Community Bag sold during the month of June 2023 at:
Stop & Shop
35 Washington Street, Lynn MA
We want to thank Stop&Shop and all of you supporting FortyStepsDance!
Join us for our Fundraiser and Golf Outing at Nahant Golf Club, with pop-up performances, a silent auction and great prizes:
Saturday, June 30, 2018 at 2 p.m.
Tee off at 3 p.m.
Cocktails & Dinner Buffet 5-8 p.m.
Two events in one: come just for Dinner or join us for Golf as well!
1 Willow Road, Nahant, MA
If you have never golfed before, now is your chance to try! A limited number of clubs will be available on loan from Nahant Golf Club but must be reserved in advance by emailing sallee@fortystepsdance.org.
Not interested in Golfing? Join us for Cocktails, Dinner and more pop-up performances at Nahant Golf Club’s Seasons Restaurant at 5 p.m. Please consider donating toward the golf portion of the event by Sponsoring a Golfer below.
9-hole Golf + Dinner & Cocktails: $75
Dinner & Cocktails Only: $45
Come Support Forty Steps Dance by dining at Tides Restaurant
Monday, April 30, 2018
6:00-9:00 pm
Tides Restaurant will donate 10% of sales on this night to Forty Steps Dance. Dine-in, take out and drinks included. Make it a night out with friends or family, or grab something to go, and support your local dance company!
At Tides Restaurant & Pub
Nahant Beach
2B Wilson Road, Nahant, MA
Sunday, May 6, 2018
12:30 pm – 2:30 pm
at Nahant Community Center
41 Valley Road, Nahant, MA 01908
In a one-of-a-kind experience, this unique workshop encourages participants to interpret and identify their own artistic portrayal of animals, and blend it with choreographed dance excerpts as well as improvised movement. Learn from choreographer Sallee Slagle and the dancers of Forty Steps Dance while exploring the movement of “Creatures.” All workshop students will be involved in a closing event when we present the fully edited video of Sallee Slagle’s choreographic master work “Creatures” which was filmed at LynnArts theater. This unique workshop is for adults and children ages 8+.
Children (age 8-17): $15
Adults (age 18+): $20
Family (up to 4 participants; includes parents and their children): $30
This workshop is a part of ArtWeek, presented by Highland Street Foundation and produced by the Boch Center.
Forty Steps Dance is a 501(c)(3) corporation. Your tax-deductible donation is appreciated.